Most nights you watch anime alone. It isn't that you don't like people, it's that you can't connect. Your comments aren't funny, or sad, or really memorable at all. You're average. You probably smile and laugh like a normal person, but you aren't. You act like you're fine, but you aren't.
You live in the Philipines. You often go on YouTube or where to pass the time. Cute things are your favorite and you let everyone know. Funsubstance is just another site to you, like any other and the videos you post don't entertain anyone but yourself.
You love supernatural. Now I'm not saying you go on funsub so much because you're lonely, but I am suggesting it. You were born in September, which means your birthday is either near, or has just passed. Happy birthday! Your generally witty comments adorn many posts throughout funsub. I for some reason view you as a young person with brown hair who wears hoodies a lot. Green hoodies, to be more specific.
Watching Supernatural right now, not so much lonely as bored, birthday is this Thursday, gonna be 18. Thanks for the compliment about my comments, and HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW ABOUT MY BROWN HAIR AND GREEN HOODIE?!??
You're a girl who likes Misha Collins. I can't blame you, I like him too. Funsub is to you, a hobby. Online you present as a very positive person who loves just about everyone and everything. Your posts are pleasant and so are your comments. I always imagined you to look like modern Ariel.
You're in your senior year in high school and have given up on love. You spend so much time on Funsubstance because you don't fit in in real life. Maybe there's something "wrong" with you, but you could just be, you know, different. I always imagined you as a boy with black hair, glasses, and a white t shirt on.
I will try to post a picture of myself on halloween in my Dr. Ew costume, but my phone is weird when it comes to posting pictures, so it won't be certain
(Oh yeah, when I said 'given up on love' I meant at my school, which is mostly everywhere. I'll try again to woo girls when I'm out of high school and/or when I meet new girls. Until then, I'm not bothering with anyone at my school)
You are a girl who doesn't really have many friends. You live vicariously through funsub to give yourself the illusion of a community. Your music tastes are different than others and so is everything else. You're an outcast. I've seen tons of selfies, honey :)
You live in Ottowa, Canada. School isn't really your thing, but you think it's ok. You don't have much time to post, so I conclude you either prefer other sites, or you have an active social life. You procrastinate a lot and generally can't stick to one thing too long. I imagine you as a blonde guy eith brown eyes who wears purple a lot.
Hey, i gotta applaud you, most of that is spot-on. (Except i'm a brunette girl with hazel eyes :P) Purple is very commonly mistaken as my favourite colour because I wear it so much.
You're a male and most likely a republican. You are intelligent and witty, always ready with a comeback. You spend a lot of time on funsub, but do not post. You are in support of guns and are VERY protective of your American heritage. Your confidence might be a front for some kind of shortcoming. I imagine you as a white guy who wears camo a lot.
You are a female who enjoys either coffee or tea quite a lot. You have a conservative personality and avoid lots of makeup. You aren't particularly loud or memorable. You might have been bullied a bit in school, but you got through it ok. You're one of the more mature members of the funsub community, but you still have a youthful side. You aren't too invested in the Internet and probably like Facebook more than where. You've posted selfies before :)
You're a girl who likes supernatural. You never got over your emo phase. Mcr is still one of your favorite bands. Anime is your fucking LIFE and you post about it constantly. The few friends you have probably share these interests. At school no one likes you all that much, but they don't absolutely hate you either. I always imaged you as a girl with long dark brown hair who wears black a lot.
You're honest, but in a good way. You won't lie or smudge the truth to get extra brownie points. Kind of like your user name. You're a fruit salad. No one (generally) likes salad. But you're the good kind in that you make swallowing the truth easier because it's genuine and sometimes healthily negative (like if someone has a big ego or is being a jerk). I feel like you have a healthy sense of humor, and you like making people smile. You -probably- think people don't like you a lot, but you are indeed mistaken if that's the case. You also have impeccable deduction skills or stalk people/are one of those that remembers every detail about a person. All in all, a pleasant fruit salad. Sorry if I'm way off. Please take no offense if I am.
You're a boy who is full of spite. You're intelligent and overall a decent person, but you seem to be bitter about something. Your comments often come off as cold or even cynical and you never use more than you need to to get your point accros. You get good grades and have one or two close friends. Socializing face to face isn't really your thing. I imagined you as a boy with blonde hair who needs to smile more.
You are a stereotypical boy. You know your way around a computer and play the trumpet. When you were younger, you didn't have many friends. This could be because you were unique, or you just didn't know how to make any. More recently, you've gotten more friends and have been opening up a bit. I imagined you as a boy with brown hair and rectangular glasses.
Lmao I figured that would get misconstrued. I meant I care a lot more about my guitar and at least based on steryotypes think it reflects my personality more
· 8 years ago
Friskyfox is curious and would like to know what fruitsalad has to say!
You are a girl who is very much an adult. You aren't mentally mature though, just physically. You're a positive cat lover who can't stand bullies. Your comments are mostly sweet, but you have the occasional snippy one. I imagine you as having red hair in a ponytail and blue clothes.
· 8 years ago
Huh. My hair is brown, but it does have some natural red when the sunlight hits it. Why blue clothes?
I always imagined you as a girl. You played poptropica when you were younger. I did too, it's a fun game. You don't ever post and you don't comment all that often either. Most likely, you browse through Funsubstance without interacting, you have a social life, or you prefer other sites. You're a generally positive person, but there is something bothering you mentally. I always just imaged you as a fox tbh.
I think you're a girl. You comment quite a bit, but don't post all that often. You're sarcastic and funny and generally an optimist, but you do have a dark side. You own a rabbit whom you think is a lesbian, but you love her anyway. You don't really have any personality extremes, but everyone still likes you. I always imagined you as a girl who has rainbow hair.
You're an African American girl. You are bisexual and an optimist. You struggle with self esteem issues and have for a while now. At school you aren't popular or unpopular, you're caught in between. You have a few close friends and maybe even a large circle, but you are only fully open with one or two. You've posted selfie, so I know what you look like.
You're a man who lives in New York City. You have a dirty, but good sense of humor and almost always understand sexual innuendos. You are a bit older than some other users and I would place you to be in your 20s or possible your 30s. You probably don't really come on very often because you like other sites better. You play video games as well. You're a good person, but you often forget it. I imagine you as a guy with brown hair who wears green a lot.
You're a girl who lives near or in Seattle, Washington. You love dogs and cute things. You are optimistic to the point one would think you are dissatisfied with some other part of your life and attempt to fill it with the Internet. You often don't think things through and generally can't look ahead to plan for things. You never really knew your dads parents. I always imagined you as a girl with long brown hair and black glasses.
You're a girl. I think you are optimistic, but can get down in the dumps sometimes. You can't stand ignorance or stupidly. You cry a little more than a normal person, but you feel as if you have to be happy for the sake of others. You like animals a lot. You comment a lot, but don't post that much. I always imagined you as a girl with dark pink hair who wears white a lot.
Haha aww :3
First of all, it's so cute that you take the time for each of us...
And you're right with most of your suggestions. My brother and my mother are both bipolar, I don't think I am, but from time to time signs of it are showing.. So the crying/happy part is absolutely right, I always try not to bring others down and to cheer everyone up. And yes I love animals. A lot. All of them. And by now I'm blonde, but yeah, my hair colour used to vary between bright red and a deep dark violet. And I love wearing white, but sometimes also all black or very colourful, I just don't like sticking to one style only. :)
Congratulations, you're really good at this! :)
You are (obviously) a girl. You love horses and other animals and actually own a few horses. You have a healthy sense of humor, but it can be dirty at times. You love Harry Potter with a burning passion. You probably feel just a bit left out or different than other people at school and in life in general. I always imagined you as a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.
· 8 years ago
That's creepily accurate (except looks)!!! I have brown hair and eyes :)
You are a man. You live in South Africa and the only thing notable about you is that you AREN'T notable. You use lol way too much, laugh at rage comments, and are just decidedly average. You dislike Donald Trump, but never voice support of Hillary. Your posts are simple and English obviously isn't your first language. I always imagined you to look like bobo fett.
You're a boy. You live in the south and are either dating or is married to someone. You're still in school and you don't hate or love it. You are pretty healthy mentally and you don't have very many problems. You comment a lot on posts, so I'm going to assume that you spend a lot of time on your computer. People like you, but don't love you. You're just a person like any other. You've posted a selfie.
Most nights you watch anime alone. It isn't that you don't like people, it's that you can't connect. Your comments aren't funny, or sad, or really memorable at all. You're average. You probably smile and laugh like a normal person, but you aren't. You act like you're fine, but you aren't.
You live in the Philipines. You often go on YouTube or where to pass the time. Cute things are your favorite and you let everyone know. Funsubstance is just another site to you, like any other and the videos you post don't entertain anyone but yourself.
Spot on hahaha
Also this should be fun, seeing as what I told you :D
the only thing you got wrong was my face. I have black hair and wear glasses.
Thank you for taking time to do this :)
First of all, it's so cute that you take the time for each of us...
And you're right with most of your suggestions. My brother and my mother are both bipolar, I don't think I am, but from time to time signs of it are showing.. So the crying/happy part is absolutely right, I always try not to bring others down and to cheer everyone up. And yes I love animals. A lot. All of them. And by now I'm blonde, but yeah, my hair colour used to vary between bright red and a deep dark violet. And I love wearing white, but sometimes also all black or very colourful, I just don't like sticking to one style only. :)
Congratulations, you're really good at this! :)
I found this on tumbkrz, k and I thought I was comedy gokszz so GI fun an elf
But, nevertheless... try me?
Do @Zeus
and I'm over here like "Please don't, I already know how much of a loser I am"
(Although I am pretty adorable)
*hugs thedarkknightess* excuse you
And yes, you're pretty boy, Dan
PS: don't worry, rosalinas! I'm a potato and I would neVER EVER MESS WITH ONE OF MY SHIPS
Although I might hit her for calling herself a loser
*waves* hellu there
have this *gives you cookies and ice cream*
Not again Danni!!!
I'm trying to make friend!
*bites into cookie* I need the nutrients for my growth
Lemme make you a real meal!
*starts cooking*
Plus it's fine, I have the stolen goods
Though it's not bad to have you as a meal
*wiggles out of roll* What can I do for you?
Eh not biting my legs
You can bite my legs
Gentle with your teeth
Sounds about right
7 weeks late
Your middle name is "the"