I wouldn't mind it, seeing a girl do what she loves the most and encouraging her to continue and make her feel special, yeah, that's a nice feeling (also them free cookies boi)
It isn’t your job to make him feel like whatever he thinks a man should be. It’s his job to be the man he thinks he should be. Relationships are supposed to enhance our lives and enhance us as people. Asking you not to pursue healthy passions and better yourself so that he doesn’t feel bad about not being able or willing to put in the work on himself is disgusting. If he behaves that way I wouldn’t think of him as much of a man either. He’s gotta come on your level, or at least work to match it, or he’s gotta go knock around with some basic bitches that will make him feel like a Star. There are plenty of “good” guys who would love a woman who lifts and enjoys archery. Let him step up, don’t step down for him.
* "manly" means.