This bitch and those like her really make me want to slap the stupid out of them. They are the reason actual victims have to deal with suspicion and ridicule along with all the other bullshit that comes with charging someone with rape. And that's if they dare actually come forward.
80 year old women are raped, 1 year olds are raped. Rape isn't about desire or attractiveness, it about control and forcibly taking that control away from the victim and subjugating them in one of the most damaging ways possible.
Research and statistics. Interviews with actual rapists and psychological evaluations. It's a well know fact. Sure, there's an element of sexual attraction in some cases, but as a rule it's just as much to do with power.
To be even more specific, its often a case of a rapist finding sexual gratification specifically in the act of forcing the victim. The wiring, if you will, is different when it comes to what normal people consider sexual attraction ect.
I would have to agree with Celtic I did a small research project on rape and the ulterior motives behind them. most rapists view on committing the action was being in control of the situation...most rapists don't care if they cause psychological/physical damage it's the fact that they control the outcome.
There is also a strong element of entitlement at work, where the rapist feels they are entitled to do as they want, regardless of the impact on the victim. This is across the spectrum, not just male perpetrators, but female rapists as well.
e.g. the woman who ran across the baseball fields grabbing the baseball players asses...even though they were all laughing about it...its still sexual harassment and if it were a guy doing it to a women's softball team then he would be in a world of trouble. I hate the double standard of cases like that...its not good for male or female be respectful of others privacy and if you rape then you should have your genitalia removed.
But young women are raped much more than elderly and very young girls, in spite of those groups being generally much easier to dominate.
Also, I've never got an erection while trying to forcibly control someone.
As I specifically stated, the brains of rapists are literally wired differently. So I would hope you hadn't had that response. The average age of a rape victim is 15. That definitely falls more into the very young than young women. They seek potentially vulnerable targets, usually those less likely to report assaults or easily intimidated, or those less likely to be believed (college girls, strippers, ect) due to society perceptions, or those who can't fight back. A LOT of rapes go unreported because of this so even those statistics are a little skewed. That's one reason a large percentage predators begin with victims of convenience, usually in their own family. They build up courage then branch out. Even if they are caught, they rarely face severe penalties until the third strike, so they believe they are untouchable. The guy who attacked me first raped his 12 year old daughter (his first conviction not necessarily his first victim) he was released after only a few years.
He raped another woman, same thing, served a few years then back out on parole where he wasn't monitored enough for them to notice he was living 200+ miles from where he was registered, in a home with young children. He went after me because he thought I was an easy mark, living with my single mother, I was shy and kept to myself. It wasn't until my assault that he was sentenced to life, which actually is only a max 40 years, 20 if he gets parole. His victims (that he was convicted for) ranged from 12, 50 then 20.
I've worked with other survivors, many who never pressed charged for an array of reasons, and their was no standard age, race or build. The youngest was prepubescent the oldest was geriatric. They weren't "sexy", many had disabilities. They were convenient.
One fairly common reason is hat often victims don't want to deal with having to talk about what happened to a room full of stranger and definitely don't want to risk having to do that more than once. There's also a thing of not wanting to see the rapist again as well as not wanting to have to think about it ever again
@Beth that doesn't make it worth shrugging off though. I believe the only way you will ever have closure is to address the situation. 1) you potentially protect other people by letting it be known and 2) you can seek the methods of recovery. This topic interestingly enough made me recall a relationship I had in my younger days. my girlfriend would have me force myself onto her whilst she fought me off as if she was being targeted. I thought it was weird at first until we started getting serious in the relationship. her dad raped her on a daily basis and she was playing out his sick twisted fantasy because that was the norm for her. I couldn't allow it to happen anymore and I seemed help out for her while by her side. we broke up later because she felt I was trying to pressure her to get help but I only wanted what was best for her.
There's been some research into such things as that and I remember reading that it could potentially be helpful for someone that was a victim of sexual abuse/rape/what have you to do such a thing with someone they are comfortable with and trust tho I've not read enough into it to say anything more than that.
I haven't read that in my studies but that doesn't mean it's not true. the brain truly is a remarkable thing but trauma has different impacts on different people. she told me I was the first person she told about her sexual abuse. it hurts my heart.
Too often a victim refuses to get help because they believe, either subconsciously or consciously, they are at least partially responsible for the abuse. It goes back to predators seeking weak targets. They either A) choose victims who have already suffered abuse of one kind or another, or B) they choose ones they believe they will be able to manipulate into silence. Many victims don't seek help because they believe they deserve to be punished and too often they end up in toxic relationships. Its a sick twisted cycle.
@Bethorien it can also depend on the justice system where they are. Depending on how they are treated by police and medical personnel can drastically affect whether they feel confident or strong enough to pursue charges. Its why training in handling victims, especially right after an assault, is extremely important for both police officers as well as hospital staff and EMTs
Also, I've never got an erection while trying to forcibly control someone.