Life is all the more meaningful to me if that is true, it means you only get to live it once. No living your best life in heaven, even if you fucked up your life. It's live now, live good, because you don't get a second chance.
I also think it hakes it more meaningful. You can comfort yourself with the thought of heaven, but life should be about leaving your accomplishments behind for others when you pass.
DJ not getting a good SAT score and jeopardizing my entire future.
DJ not finding my passion in life and forever working a job that I loathe and being unhappy for the rest of my life.
DJ Frogs
DJ Birds
DJ Dying Alone
DJ Winding up in Hell
DJ Feeling something tickle my leg in a dark room at night when nobodies home
DJ Ghosts
DJ Mean Alien
DJ Presentations
DJ Grasshoppers
DJ Dying before season 4 of Sherlock
DJ Having enough money for a concert but not being quick enough to buy tickets
DJ Getting stabbed in the back by some monster while I face the wall as I sleep
DJ Waking up to dad gone
Dj the crippling realization that if there was nothing there would literally be nothing it wouldn't be just a black slate or white screen, just nothing an empty void no time or sound or anything to understand it just nothing
DJ the universe is continuing to expand and will eventually expand so much that everything will turn into a black hole and then the universe will die and there will be nothing for the rest of eternity
Or DJ Rollercoasters yknow
DJ my current situation of being an adult who is emotionally disconnected from the world and still a child on an emotional level due to psychological abuse and trauma, as well as four psychiatric diagnoses', fearing being unable to recover to a point where I am able to cope with the pressures of adulthood without crumbling like a cookie, all while probably inevitably repeating my parents mistakes on my own children, should I have any. Thus, repeating the cycle of emotional abuse and trauma.
DJ Never achieveing anything
DJ People seeing who I am, and hating me for it.
DJ Daleks
DJ not finding my passion in life and forever working a job that I loathe and being unhappy for the rest of my life.
DJ Birds
DJ Dying Alone
DJ Winding up in Hell
DJ Feeling something tickle my leg in a dark room at night when nobodies home
DJ Ghosts
DJ Mean Alien
DJ Grasshoppers
DJ Dying before season 4 of Sherlock
DJ Having enough money for a concert but not being quick enough to buy tickets
DJ Getting stabbed in the back by some monster while I face the wall as I sleep
DJ Waking up to dad gone
DJ Moths
Or DJ Rollercoasters yknow
(im ultra allergic to them, a single sting would kill me.)
Dj no food
Dj forever alone
Dj …
DJ Small Places
DJ people finding out where I hid the bodies
DJ Death
DJ Bonerfarts
DJ Outside
Even I'm gonna say that was bull.
(Yes I'm afraid of cows)
Either that or DJ Pigeons
DJ Sanity
DJ Paranoia
DJ Living
DJ Stress
DJ Requited Love
DJ Unrequited Love
DJ Lonesome
DJ Reality
DJ Creativity
DJ Myself
No seriously.
DJ Having my best friend abandon me for convenience sake again
;-; it happened yesterday...