Not my thing, but hey. Your body, your choice. I’ve seen nipple rings that got tugged out by sheets being thrown off- and my share of fights says When you look at that or piercings to see a conveniently provided conflict resolution rip cord should trouble arise. Finger goes in hole. Give it a hard pull. A little red spurt, I bet that hurt, and follow up with the KO. I’ll pass- human body is vulnerable enough for me without adding new ways to get hurt.
I've only ever seen someone with a tunnel in that place and he said even with "only" a tunnel many people experience worse hearing in that ear. And let me tell you, the tunnels are smaller than this
i saw a porn star with a large latex item in her ass when she pulled it out it looks just like that. so this seems like a good idea it makes it easier to see the ass holes coming from a mile a way.
I've been planning to do this for a while now, cause I just thought it would look cool. Yesterday I found out that it's an "Instagram trend" (?) and a symbol that you're lesbian or bi.
I hate following trends, but did it anyway cause I've been wanting to do it for so long.
2. No, we are not doing this in 2020. They just want clicks.
I hate following trends, but did it anyway cause I've been wanting to do it for so long.