I'll start : my appartment still looks like trash but I'm taking better care of myself, I finished a 1000-pieces jigsaw puzzle yesterday, I'm surprised at how good I can cook and I'm taking some time today to read a scientific magazine, because I realized just how badly my overfocusing on my studies was screwing me over. I feel like I'm growing.
Now your turn everyone! Especially @sunflowers, I want you to find at least one thing to boast about. No shame, I want this comment section to radiate with sunny words.
Oh you're making me blush! You are so kind, I'll never forget how much you've helped me. I love you 3000 <3
As far as boasting goes, I'm working hard to accept my body the way it is and trying not to succumb to the horrible things my brain tells me. I'm eating better and buying clothes I love! And I'm working on cleaning my disgusting room! It's going very well so far and I'm amazed at my progress. Thank you for asking!
I actually started caring about what I eat. I've been getting a lot more fruits into my diet, through smoothies. Smoothies are pretty dope tbh. @grimreaper you're up my man.
I have started a new hobby! I am making polyhedral dice sets!!! I've wanted to for many months and I have finally purchased all the things necessary for it and cast my VERY 1st DICE!!!
I can't believe how happy it makes me! It's kinda silly how happy making dice makes me, but then again, it does! *shrug*
@ purplepumpkin
I use resin for it. I have silicone molds that I pour resin in, and i am going to be using a variety of materials for color and inclusions. I have found a shop that sells crushed gemstones which I will use to give it a more crystal look, and I have ultra fine glitter (basically glitter powder!) which I can use to give it a subtle sparkle (think starry skies rather than disco fest :P)
I have purchased a lot of other stuff, but i'm waiting for it to come in the mail. I'm SO EXCITED!!
@ Savage
I will post it! My very first dice was a tester that I didn't use color, gem dust, or glitter in. It is pure colorless resin. I just wanted to see if I could create the conditions necessary to allow resin to cure properly. Resin is very fickle and may not cure clear or hard for any of 999 reasons.
I was able to get it to cure hard, but not crystal clear. It's ok, because I have a good idea why it didn't get clear. And I still love my baby dice!!
I will post it soon!!
I haven't really done anything amazing.
Maybe the fact I came out to my mom just over a month ago? (It didn't go too well, for the record) Or how I completed Celeste with all red strawberries a while back.
Regardless of how it went, it was brave of you to come out to your mom and it shows you've accepted yourself! Also I've never played Celeste but it shows you're persevering and don't give up without trying.
I took a few pics of the flora and some of the sunset which I posted on insta. I could post some here too if you like [but if not my insta is songbirdsavage]
· 5 years ago
I volunteer with cats at an animal shelter, and cat staff calls me the cat whisperer. They also love all the pictures I take of the cats to post on Instagram.
(the_bookish_ranger for anyone interested in adorable cat pictures)
I got invited to this creativity workshop at my job that is only for full time employees even though I’m a temp and the one lady who was responsible for me getting invited constantly tells me how refreshing it is to have me in the office and how they’re so sad I’m only there covering for a designer on maternity leave and how everyone wants me to stay full time. I really wish they’d let me stay full time, too, though.
(Edited for grammar)
I just moved house so I’m finally living with the man I love. I keep getting exciting over even the smallest details, like buying a toaster together, and waking up next to him each morning!
I took up solo hiking this year, never done any hiking before or even spent much time in nature. Put together equipment and learned entirely new skills. Spending every available day learning and practising. So far I've hiked 90km in sections along a hiking trail that runs from West Sweden to southern Norway. Going to keep going to learn winter hiking.
I just finished my 2 week vacation and I have accomplished all this during that time:
1. Finally completed my mass effect trilogy insanity playthrough
2. Platinumed Assassin's Creed Origins
3. Platinumed Okami for ps4
4. Took cat to vet for limping, but found out the little shit was faking it so I would carry him
5. Paid off one hospital bill and only have $700 left on my last one
Lol it's going to be part of this.... castle/house thing I'm building. I needed more pieces for the reef.. as I only had sharks, which looked stupid... so I've built 2 of the reefs so far but haven't "installed" them into the set yet; I have to build two more large walls and finish the basketball court... But instead of putting water inside, I have these light blue tinted windows that will make it look like there's water in there. Side not, the set also got me two dolphins, but they are really small, so I'm going to put them somewhere else, as like... statues.
Oh, it also came with like... a clear half sphere for the submarine which I'm going to use on a "deep sea" aquarium... as I got a bunch of starfish and I'm going to make little jellyfish lol
Okay, so something amazing happened today. I was playing minecraft (hypixel skywars team mode) and my second favourite youtuber killed me (but I got his partner down to 1hp), and he replied to my twitter post about it.
I started working out more frequently and think I actually managed to make my shoulders grow even though I've been plateauing for a while. I've also managed to do a few new flips and other cool tricks at my parkour training.
Now your turn everyone! Especially @sunflowers, I want you to find at least one thing to boast about. No shame, I want this comment section to radiate with sunny words.
As far as boasting goes, I'm working hard to accept my body the way it is and trying not to succumb to the horrible things my brain tells me. I'm eating better and buying clothes I love! And I'm working on cleaning my disgusting room! It's going very well so far and I'm amazed at my progress. Thank you for asking!
I can't believe how happy it makes me! It's kinda silly how happy making dice makes me, but then again, it does! *shrug*
I use resin for it. I have silicone molds that I pour resin in, and i am going to be using a variety of materials for color and inclusions. I have found a shop that sells crushed gemstones which I will use to give it a more crystal look, and I have ultra fine glitter (basically glitter powder!) which I can use to give it a subtle sparkle (think starry skies rather than disco fest :P)
I have purchased a lot of other stuff, but i'm waiting for it to come in the mail. I'm SO EXCITED!!
@ Savage
I will post it! My very first dice was a tester that I didn't use color, gem dust, or glitter in. It is pure colorless resin. I just wanted to see if I could create the conditions necessary to allow resin to cure properly. Resin is very fickle and may not cure clear or hard for any of 999 reasons.
I was able to get it to cure hard, but not crystal clear. It's ok, because I have a good idea why it didn't get clear. And I still love my baby dice!!
I will post it soon!!
Maybe the fact I came out to my mom just over a month ago? (It didn't go too well, for the record) Or how I completed Celeste with all red strawberries a while back.
Edit : do you have a pic or drawing of the view up there? Now I'm curious^^
(the_bookish_ranger for anyone interested in adorable cat pictures)
(Edited for grammar)
1. Finally completed my mass effect trilogy insanity playthrough
2. Platinumed Assassin's Creed Origins
3. Platinumed Okami for ps4
4. Took cat to vet for limping, but found out the little shit was faking it so I would carry him
5. Paid off one hospital bill and only have $700 left on my last one