Oh... in bakeries keep trying to sell the old bake goods. Not so clean dishes and silverware in restaurants., (some not all ) careless nurses and assistance in hospital leave people needing to be cleaned there for hours or without being turned developing bed sores (because the bad ones are sitting talking or because they in general under staffed and overwhelmed) ...
Water tanks in aircrafts are basically not getting cleaned. They're trying their utmost to disinfect them, but the water quality in aircrafts is the breeding ground for Montezumas revenge and for tea or coffee preparation, the water only gets heated, not cooked. So for beverages, only order what's in sealed containers when flying.
I have more, but I don't want you guys to stop flying.
Alright, you have been warned. I'll do two or three more:
Elderly people and kids have a tendency to incontinence. You'd be shocked if you knew on how many flights seats are contaminated by human urine. As the line technicians mostly have less than 20 minutes to bring the cabin to an accepteable tidiness between flights, the solution is to take off the seat cover, quickly wrap the cushion in foil and -if you're lucky- a new cover is put on afterwards, oftenly it's the old one.
Generally, a complete cleaning of an aircraft seat is done every 20-24 MONTHS, during C-Check. In between, neither covers or cushions get replaced, unless they're polluted or damaged severely.
In order to have a higher humidity in the cabin air (the A/C reduces humidity to approx 3%, which is less than in any desert) the evaporated humidity of passengers is being revolved in the cabin air, so you basically are constantly breathing in the sweat of 200 people around you.
I'm not gonna get started about toilets.
Ok, I'll give you a more poistive one this time, mor like a passenger hack:
Flights are overbooked by 5% in Economy Class in average. This is caused by approx 7% no-show passengers per flight which the airlines are trying to compensate. The difference of 2% is for B/C and F/C flights, where overbooking would cause more trouble with passengers, if they found out their ticket was among the overbooking range. So B/C and F/C no-shows do not have a "waiting list" and thus remain free for last-minute upgrades.
Show up early for your flight and make sure your outfit is decent, so no sweat pants or such, go to the counter of your airline, present your ticket and ask for the price of an update. If the clerk tells you a price, this means there are empty seats in B/C. Tell them it's slightly too much and thank them for their service. You request will be saved in the system and communicated to cabin staff. So if E/C is overbooked, they'll see you asked for an upgrade, which ranks you higher in the
Well i dont need to worry to much about this, getting into the flight services there are lots of great perks especially not having to sit in passenger seats i could only imagine how bad they could get.
In the car business, car prices are cheaper in auctions than dealerships.
2019 trucks and cars
$30k-$100k (dealership)
$10k-$60k (auctions)
Anything used and old
$5k-$10k (dealership)
$500-$5k (auction)
Many of the cars are sold as is and if anything the prices are jacked up up they fixed small dents and damages. If you do buy from auction, expect to have cash ready as you will need to pay the full price up front as there are no payment plans for non-dealership buyers.
It's true wholesale prices are less in the auto world just like anything. But there is never a $20 - $40k difference for new. And the only place you'll regularly see a $5000 margin on used is when crappy little dealers buy non-guaranteed auction cars (which guarantees that theres something significant wrong with it) and sell it off their sleazy lot as if it's ok.
New car dealerships cannot typically get away with that crap because the volume can't afford a bad reputation.
Auction prices are lower, but as monstertru says- they don’t tend to be worlds cheaper- although some rare deals can be found. Most auctions frequented by dealers do however often require one to be a licensed auto seller, and or have a fee to attend that may offset or erase any savings of not buying a number of vehicles. Most dealer auctions are also basically blind. You can see the car but can’t get detailed with it. I’ve seen cars come in from auction needing $6k in repairs on a car that would sell at $11 after being fixed. Then there was the $24k V12 mecedeses that was a total mess needing about that in repairs and selling for $40k... You CAN get good deals at auctions, but it’s closer to one of those capsule prize machines where you put money in and see what comes out. For the risks- most people aren’t going to save much over what they could find a good private party deal for. No reputable dealer buys from auction without knowing the car will need “reconditioning” before selling...
Rule of thumb is this: Pretty much any used car at a good price you buy for $2500+ auction or not- be prepared to spend around $1,000 (industry price) to sort out what it needs- tires, wipers, interior trim, fluids changes etc. Not counting crazy deals of course- and if a car is less than $2500... that likely means it needs more money to have a “finished” and road worthy car. On the auction subject though: Most dealers get used cars either from trade ins (although most trade ins are junk they auction for skeevy little private dealers to sell,) or from auction. They want to maximize profits and so they will tend to cut corners wherever they can. This means that they are unlikely to fix little expensive things like a center armrest with a broken mechanism, or to do maintence like a timing job on a car that’s just short of needing it. They will likely put cheap tires on it if it needs tires. That SUV or luxury car that came new with $1200 tires is getting $200-300 of China’s finest...
.... cheap rubber, or some nice matching used tires from a tire place. Used car- used parts. So major assemblies like suspension, electronics, power train, or interior are coming used from a place like LKQ. So when the sales person tells you it has a “new” transmission- they mean they told parts to find a working transmission for as cheap as possible and it’s a “new for the car” used part or if you’re lucky a reman part most of the time. The more a car needs, the more they are likely to skimp on what they do, and the more likely they are to skip things that aren’t essential but they might have done if the car had g already had so much done. So in general be a little weary of used cars where the dealer had done a lot of work to.
Don’t assume dealers do dealer parts either. That Honda on the Toyota lot is likely to have aftermarket (not original Honda) parts used. Things like filters and belts and hoses. Toyota isn’t Honda and most people won’t check anyway- not to mention that parts are classified loosely by quality- so half the time the dealer is selling you a part made by someone else anyway that they have decided meets the same quality as their own parts (which sometimes they actually do and sometimes they do not..) What you get is a crap shoot. One manager might have a rule that certain types of cars like Mercedes get OE filters or suspension parts, another might not care. One sales manager may wholesale any car that they feel even a little unsure about and another might take a gamble and sell it- figuring IF something goes wrong they will take care of you on it then. Huge dealers aren’t much safer than small dealers. Medium sized family ownered dealers tend to be safest. ones that are generational....
... they have both the flexibility for workers to exercise best judgment, and the size and reputation to worry about. Big corporate dealers are more like Comcast. Lots of rules and beuracracy, and while they are still reputation conscious they also can absorb some negative reviews and when you own 1/2 the car dealers or more in an area- they know if you want to finance they are your best bet. Not to mention they know most people don’t realize that two dealers are owned by the same group. Often they try to obscure the fact in plain sight. Corporate or not though dealers are only as good as the people- and the people vary by location and with time. Find a dealer or shop you trust and stick with them. Don’t bounce around and price shop every little thing.
Cars are a money game. Almost no auto business that stays in business is going to spend more on a customer than a customer spends. When you’ve bought and serviced 5 cars with the same place, when you’re family and friends all do too- you are worth a lot. When you buy a used VW from Ford- they aren’t planning that you’ll buy your next car from Ford. They aren’t planning to have you come in for service regularly. You’re a one shot. Prove shoppers get the worst treatment because they know you’re only there to get a deal, and your loyalty (hence future purchases) will go to whoever is cheapest. So no one really cares all that much when you whine because you aren’t worth a lot of money to make happy.
Each department at most dealers is separate. There’s another fun fact. The staff may or may not even know each other’s names (especially sales...) and their budgets and profit tracking is separate. Parts or service largely do not care if you buy a new car, and just because you bought a car from them doesn’t mean those departments got money. They care when you buy parts and service. They also aren’t inclined to give you free things. The sales person got paid or hit a number selling you a car. Parts and service have their own pay structures and numbers they have to hit. Giving you free things go against their numbers. Most people aren’t willing to give away money from their paycheck to make money for someone else. Those floor mats or roof rack they threw in to the deal were likely either paid on internal charge from one department to the other, or the salesman took the profit out of the sale or literally paid the money themselves. In fact- lots of times deals get hung up or stuck...
... on things like that. Interdepartment squabbles. Now- like I said. Every dealer is different and people are different. Some salesmen are great people. You can usually tell those ones because they go sell things that aren’t cars eventually or get other jobs. A few stick around. So remember I’m not talking about all salesmen- just most here: your salesman is full of shit. Most of the time they know the bare minimum that product training teaches. Most know either nothing about cars or just enough to be dangerously incompetent. They are like horny teenage boys and the sale is an orgasm. They will say or do anything to get that nut. Tell you they’ll love you forever, promise the moon and the stars. So ANYTHING you want, get it BEFORE you make the deal. No “oh yeah, we can do that later...” or “I can make sure you get a discount on that...” no. Get it in writing up front.
Giving them the benefit of the doubt- they have ALOT of people. You’re another Corolla or whatever to them. It is t that they don’t really like you or care or not. It’s thag they see possibly hundreds or thousands of people a month. Do you remember every person you meet on a busy day? So look at the job. Potential 6 figure salary with no high school diploma or education, no hard skills or knowledge required. Long long long hours and pretty much every weekend and holiday forever, only need to be good with people and talking.... that’s almost the job description that attracts most for profit criminals to the trade. salesmen- especially young ones tend to be disorganized by nature...
... they tend to be people who are motivated and want a lifestyle the salary provides, they tend to be impulsive, enjoy thrills and gambling, get bored easily if not stimulated... there’s a personality type that’s suited for the job and as I say above- many fine sales people exist. But always bet on yours not being one and be pleasantly surprised if they are- but never fully trust a salesman. They are here because they make money for the company. They do the long hours and hard work because the company pays them well to do it. You are profit. They might like you as a person, but most every salesperson has a point in their career where they have to decide between their feelings and their money. So sales is often not well regarded by parts or service because many salesmen aren’t there very long so there’s no incentive to form long term working relationships and you’ll never get to collect on a favor from sales. Sales personality type is a selfish one. So they tend to look at the world...
.. and coworkers by what that person can do for them. They don’t like losing profit so they’ll try to get discounts and freebies from fixed operations wherever they can often. So just remember that “my salesman said...” doesn’t usually mean anything to parts or service. Go talk to sales then, unless you have a piece of paper saying what that salesman said. Despite that most salesman are good people. They aren’t trying to scam you, they just want to make some money off you and are always busy for crazy hours and so it’s easy to get mixed up or forget or to just... be a flake. They also mean well but don’t generally have the authority to actually make anyone do anything, and most have no idea how fixed iOS or the back end work- they know factory incentives and finance laws and blah blah- but they dont actually know how the business works and tend to be optimists by nature or self absorbed and so assume that they are the “quarterbacks” and everyone else will just support them...
They say something to a customer as a representative and figure no one wants them or the dealer to look like a liar... well. No Chet. I don’t care if you look like a liar. Fixed ops people average long careers. 30 of you will come and go within the life of a single manager. So that’s a component. And despite EVERYTHING I’ve said and the much much more I haven’t (remember- all dealers are different and the stuff they do or know they can get away with.. but all are for profit businesses staffed by people who generally get paid or are retained based on sales performance..) most dealers aren’t scam artists.
Most dealers operate at 20-30% gross profit under IDEAL conditions. Compare that to software at 200-700%, furniture at 600-800% and so on- dealers aren’t gouging you as much as people think, and often times a new car sale only actually makes a dealer a couple of hundred dollars. Used cars are actually more profitable for most dealers by far but still $1,000 profit on a car is considered decent. Compare your dealers basic services like oil changes and rotations to independent shops and you’ll usually see they are close or sometimes even cheaper. So from someone who’s father was in the industry, and who’s worked in fixed operations, management, corporate, and yes- I even did sales- with over 15 years experience total, and the combined knowledge of the 200+ years total experience of my 3 mentors- that’s my inside view on the industry.
It's been a while, but about 15 yrs ago I worked at a boutique that sold only italian name brands.
They would buy the jeans for less than 30 $ and sell them for nearly 200 $. People thought they were getting a deal when the store sold them half off, but the store was still getting 3 x the buy in price for them...
I have never looked at clothing stores the same after.
EDIT: typos
Depends on the state. But I believe once a week is normal. If you clean them too often they would deteriorate pretty fast due to the chemicals in the sanitizing agents
After a combat HALO insertion the many thousands of dollars of equipment each operative needed for the jumpmis destroyed or disposed of on site- likely never to be used again unless recovery is practical and risk of compromise is low. Another example is that many chemicals require positive ventilation and completely sealed suits to handle “safely.” The level of “safe” exposure is essentially- none. However, people who make, transport, store or sell these and others may be exposed and the minimum requirements in these cases, even where prolonged exposure is possible- are much lower. Those who work with radiation may also be exposed to levels much higher than what is deemed “safe,” like a medical technician who receives many times the safety levels for a normal person- but magically can take much higher doses of radiation somehow on paper. It’s just practicality. Laws on saftery often forgo prohibitive but prudent precautions where productivity or profitability would be impacted.
I worked at Red Lobster and they were very clean. It was back in the mid 80's and they were owned by Kellogg's and had a lot of corporate inspections. We had to clean everything to pretty strict policy.
At the McDonalds I worked at we didnt actually wash the dishes, trays, or raw food trays. We would rinse them, drop them in a disinfectant liquid that 2as purple, rinse again, then put away
If you overdraw your account at the bank 9 times out of 10 it's your own fault.
· 6 years ago
White Castle years their employees really, really well.
Like, frequent raises and opportunities to advance, free food, employee discount programs for other products.
You have to put up with garbage customers, but store management is only a couple years out.
As a Sunday school teacher I can tell you...
I only teach what I believe. Not what the whole bible says or what lies you want me to tell them. Sooo yeah sorry but little Timmy and Susy won't be learning that gays are bad from me or that all woman should just be house wifes or that because they don't pray every night God doesn't love them. Or that rain is God crying because they were bad.
As a teacher I can tell you...
We blame your child's bad manners on you parents. Just like you blame the kid's bad grades on us.
Also I have seen some FUCKED UP kids. I have seen a teen boy put his dick in another teens sandwich. Honestly when the 2nd teen started to hit the first. I gave him to the count of 10 before I blew my whistle for other teachers to step in. 1st teen got punched in the face at least 3 or 4 times before they were broken up. He deserved it to.
When I was 14 I worked in a Chinese restaurant. The place was infested with cockroaches. The dishwasher water was never changed and the egg rolls were made on the exit end of the dishwasher , where all the filthy water came out in waves. There was two 5 gallon paint buckets that the waitresses would pour uneaten soup into . It was heated and reserved to other customers.
Worked at a zoo for a few years and they fucked me over on my pay slip I left, I can also say that 95% of animal deaths at said zoo where caused by employees their, we'd just tell the media that oh yeah 8 yrs for a red panda is a long life when in fact most zoos red pandas can usually reach 15, that's just one of the few animals we've had pass multiple times and then forged age numbers
I work in insurance/pharmacy we don't accept prior authorization from patients over the age of 75. Its sad and depressing but we know it as the death bed period.
@lindsay is right, the insurance can still require authorization where the doctor has to justify why it is being prescribed. But its illegal, at least in the United States, to deny a prescription based on age, especially when the average life expectancy is 80-84 years, and can be much longer. Saying they automatically deny based on age is ridiculous because its essentially saying they are choosing to let those patients suffer just because they only have another decade or so left. I was raised around both doctors and lawyers, and that statement just SCREAMS massive lawsuits, as well as criminal discrimination charges.
Cashiers do not care what you come through their checkout with. Most of us make minimum wage, and have to deal with the same jokes every day. Just because you acknowledge that paying for $150 worth of items with nothing but loose change is a dick move, doesn't mean it stops being a dick move.
Cashiers have nicknames for every customer, and some are very rude. The customer is almost never right. Cashiers have absolutely zero control over your credit card getting declined and you will get zero sympathy for acting like a brat/ass when it happens. Don't make up sob stories we've heard them all and can actually tell when you're lying. If you make a 'fake bill' joke when we do the marker test we are encouraged to embarrass the hell out of you or flat out refuse cash from you.
I workat a place that insures mostly delivery buisnesses. First, we dont insure anyone in florida. We only had a little bit of buisness from there, but more than half of our losses were coming from there. The drivers would just hit pedestrians. I dont know how buisnesses in florida get insurance now. Second, the entire industry other than a few companies collapsed. This was largely due to people not checking the driving records and rampant undercutting of prices. Alot of brokers that send the clients to insurers dont even know how to pull the driving records to check them.
I think this is well known but I hate it, so here goes: Hospitals charge based on having to do a 60-85% write-off because of insurance. The pricing is a complete disaster, because of insurance companies. Most hospitals offer an “upfront discount” of 40% or so for self-pay patients who aren’t getting those write-offs written into their bill. Oh, and charity programs to help with the bill help the hospital’s bottom line, because then there’s less bad debt.
Bread isn't vegan. I used to work in an industrial bakery, one of Europe's largest, that was considered one of the cleanest such around. On health inspections they scored 9 out of 10. In a bakery you need flour and that flour is kept in the attic, known as the flour attic. Flour attract insects, a LOT of insects. We're talking a whole ecosystem in that attic. But how bad could it be, right? Let me tell you about Sundays. The shift starts around 11am, the machines haven't been in use since Friday night and the first thing you do is open the flour shute and get rid of the mealworms. Hundreds of kilos of just mealworms that developed in the flour over two nights. Mealworms that were already in the flour and you're not getting rid of them, just reducing them so no one will know they're in the bread. Bread is NOT vegan. You're eating mealworms and butterflies and cockroaches and God knows what creatures live in that space.
I'm a stripper and I do not have sex with my customers. Nor do they really even try. You get a drunk toe the line sometimes, but for the most part, people are cool. Most guys tht come into the strip club are more respectful than dudes in regular life, actually.
I’m in the dive industry and do my best to adhere to dive laws and regulations to make sure my customers are safe. But from the conversations that I have with over 500+ people every year I’ve come to learn of so many shady businesses around the world that certify incompetent divers, train without actually being a licensed instructor and a shit load of things that makes it very unsafe especially for students who think they are getting a much cheaper price at a dive shop for the “same course”. It mostly boils down to you looking out for yourself. Diving is a very safe sport if you follow the laws and dive within your limits and training. When doing a course sign up at a reputable business. You can go to PADI or SSI or any organization and look up a database of registered dive centers and once there you can ask for your instructor to show you their license and if they are renewed and in teaching status. You can check their equipment to see if it’s maintained (the easiest indicator is...
the sticker on the tank which shows you which year it was serviced and hydro tested. If the sticker has expired then run out because they don’t care about their customers or laws). Additionally a good dive centre will have a dive guide to divers ratio, safety equipment like emergency oxygen, they’ll check to see if you’re actually certified etc. Majority of dive accidents happens from human error. Don’t be cheap because it’s not worth your life. Most dive centers that are more expensive tend to be so because they pay annual license fees, insurance, maintain their equipment and safety measures, get good and experienced staff and generally spend a lot of money to ensure their divers are safe. The places that are cheap afford to do so because they have none of these expenses.
wow this really helpful. I'm planning on learning how to dive either this summer or next. I'm gonna keep an eye out for those things you mentioned now!
911 call taker here, first off if you call 911 by accident please for the love of god don’t hang up! We are required to call you back and try to track you down, if you just stay on the line and verify your information for us we are super appreciative. We would still send an officer by but no one gets in trouble and all they do is make sure no one is dying. Also if you call 911 and have an emergency try to figure out where you are, we can’t send help if we don’t know where you are. The system we use to track phones is not perfect and sometimes we get a track that is honestly anywhere in a 7000+ meter radious. Also answering questions does not slow down response, there’s generally two people, one who dispatched and one who answers the phone... not always the case but ideal. If you answer our questions it just lets them know what they are walking into, we do it for their safety as well as yours. Please just answer the questions as best you can even if they seem stupid.
I have more, but I don't want you guys to stop flying.
Elderly people and kids have a tendency to incontinence. You'd be shocked if you knew on how many flights seats are contaminated by human urine. As the line technicians mostly have less than 20 minutes to bring the cabin to an accepteable tidiness between flights, the solution is to take off the seat cover, quickly wrap the cushion in foil and -if you're lucky- a new cover is put on afterwards, oftenly it's the old one.
Generally, a complete cleaning of an aircraft seat is done every 20-24 MONTHS, during C-Check. In between, neither covers or cushions get replaced, unless they're polluted or damaged severely.
In order to have a higher humidity in the cabin air (the A/C reduces humidity to approx 3%, which is less than in any desert) the evaporated humidity of passengers is being revolved in the cabin air, so you basically are constantly breathing in the sweat of 200 people around you.
I'm not gonna get started about toilets.
Flights are overbooked by 5% in Economy Class in average. This is caused by approx 7% no-show passengers per flight which the airlines are trying to compensate. The difference of 2% is for B/C and F/C flights, where overbooking would cause more trouble with passengers, if they found out their ticket was among the overbooking range. So B/C and F/C no-shows do not have a "waiting list" and thus remain free for last-minute upgrades.
Show up early for your flight and make sure your outfit is decent, so no sweat pants or such, go to the counter of your airline, present your ticket and ask for the price of an update. If the clerk tells you a price, this means there are empty seats in B/C. Tell them it's slightly too much and thank them for their service. You request will be saved in the system and communicated to cabin staff. So if E/C is overbooked, they'll see you asked for an upgrade, which ranks you higher in the
I've used this trick on a couple of international flights already and the success rate was 70%.
2019 trucks and cars
$30k-$100k (dealership)
$10k-$60k (auctions)
Anything used and old
$5k-$10k (dealership)
$500-$5k (auction)
Many of the cars are sold as is and if anything the prices are jacked up up they fixed small dents and damages. If you do buy from auction, expect to have cash ready as you will need to pay the full price up front as there are no payment plans for non-dealership buyers.
New car dealerships cannot typically get away with that crap because the volume can't afford a bad reputation.
They would buy the jeans for less than 30 $ and sell them for nearly 200 $. People thought they were getting a deal when the store sold them half off, but the store was still getting 3 x the buy in price for them...
I have never looked at clothing stores the same after.
EDIT: typos
Like, frequent raises and opportunities to advance, free food, employee discount programs for other products.
You have to put up with garbage customers, but store management is only a couple years out.
I only teach what I believe. Not what the whole bible says or what lies you want me to tell them. Sooo yeah sorry but little Timmy and Susy won't be learning that gays are bad from me or that all woman should just be house wifes or that because they don't pray every night God doesn't love them. Or that rain is God crying because they were bad.
As a teacher I can tell you...
We blame your child's bad manners on you parents. Just like you blame the kid's bad grades on us.
Also I have seen some FUCKED UP kids. I have seen a teen boy put his dick in another teens sandwich. Honestly when the 2nd teen started to hit the first. I gave him to the count of 10 before I blew my whistle for other teachers to step in. 1st teen got punched in the face at least 3 or 4 times before they were broken up. He deserved it to.
Prior authorization after drugs have been prescribed?