- 'FunSubstance' was one of the word combinations we came up with that actually had a .com domain available.
- @zeus designed the FunSubstance mascot.
- The site was launched on 23rd March 2012.
No No No !!! There's this other site similar to Funsubs and they have a huge community and they lost thier touch and got boring. So please do not get too big. I like it like this it's nice and cozy !! :D
As much as I want you guys to succeed, I gotta agree with balony and lace, it's nice recognizing every bodies names and getting to know peoples personalities
Mgoveia has been banned, but now is unbanned, but has no posting privileges, all theses other users have been given full pardons, when will you be reinstating his privileges?
How many employees work for FS? And how many users are there? It doesn't seem like that big of a website. It's so right knit it's rare for me to not see someone who is kinda a straggler. And posts tend to get only around 2000 likes at the most
We removed the post when we were alerted of it. Our advertising partners like Google don't allow such contents to be run along side the ads, so we had to take it down.
No particular favourites, there're too many good stuff coming up daily to choose from. Least favourite are spam posts, which you guys probably don't see much of because they get disliked and automatically hidden.
Since I've become a member, I've been addicted and developed insomnia, I LOVE IT, p.s. - I've been going on Omegle and whoever isn't flashing me, I tell them to visit the site. Can I work for you?
I just think it would be interesting. Just give out like red stars. Although since disliked posts often get removed or deleted. Maybe it should be the top 20 disliked commenters.
Thanks, Creators of Larry The Box. I've got ideas about a couple of internet services but haven't been able to decide how to go about it, me not being a security expert and all. I guess I'll take it slow until I find great teammates like you have. BTW, you're doing a great job with FS. Whatever mission you started FS with, it's accomplished. I'm so addicted to it that I'm right here instead of reading something about the exam that I have a few hours later. XD
Will you give us a ballpark of how many hits you're getting? Like Tara said, it seems to be a pretty small active community, but I bet there are a tonne of people who view stuff and have a quiet laugh, but never leave any trace of themselves behind.
PS thanks for a great web experience =)
I expected it to happen, I just didn't know how they'd do it. It was pretty much the only way his family would realize Brody wasn't a terrorist. It was also mentioned that he didn't want to go on many times. He'd either end up living a life on the run, under constant threat of assassination, a life behind bars, or worse. Plus, finding out it's HIS child that Carrie is carrying was a big flag for me.
More of a comment-I wake up early before work to see what was posted over night. I LOVE your site! It makes my days so much better to smile before the poo starts
Also, Funsubstance, and community of FS, thank you so much for always being there to either just entertain me or cheer me up when Im having a bad day. I really appreciate everyones sense of humor. keep being awesome people :)
Please don't ever let this site close up or shut down , i've been on sites like this and then it just suddenly shuts down. I want funsubstance to live forever ! :(
Is funsubstance a side hobby or your main jobs? Do you all work together in an office..? If so, when you see something funny, do you ask your coworkers to come and look at your screen? :D ( side note: You guys are awesome and this site is hilarious c: )
More of a hobby, we work from home. And yes we call each other to look at our phone/computer screens to check it out when we come across something particularly amusing.
Are you open to suggestions? If so, could you perhaps make the notifications more distinguishable? What I mean by that is, sometimes I get like, 30 notifications at a time, and I'd really appreciate it if you would maybe put a red dot, or something, to let users know that hey, you haven't seen this notification yet. I know I'm pretty confusing, but I hope you got the message. Thanks! (:
· 11 years ago
But there is a blue vertical line to the left of notifications that you haven't seen yet and if you click the notification the line goes away and its plain grey :/ Either you don't see it or you don't have them.
I don't know how complicated it would be, but maybe setting up a tally where you could see how many comments you've made (or posts you've posted!) in the 24 hour window would be helpful.
Or just have unlimited comments. I mean I can understand the post limit. Also I'm not sure but I think you did increase my limit funsubstance so thanks! \(^-^)/
Well if people could have unlimited posts then they could just bombard the website with new posts and no one could ever catch up and it would slow the website down with so many posts at once.
· 11 years ago
No, I should have clarified, sorry. How did you get to the conclusion that FS increased your limit? :)
Cause before it was 24 hours later after my 80 limit. I was able to comment again
· 11 years ago
But at what time was your first of those 80 comments. If it was 23 hours ago and your 80th was say right now. Then you would only have to wait 1 hour till you can comment again, although only 1 comment. Depends when you commented really.
I had made my first one at about 2 pm yesterday and reached my 80 limit yesterday night at around 10 pm. Then I was able to comment this morning at around 11am. Which was not 24 hours after my first. If I explained it well enough
· 11 years ago
Strange. I guess we have to wait for FS to reply.
FunSubstance CEO's I summo... you know the drill.
Here's how it works. If you posted X comments in one minute, you'll have to wait for a Y hours before you can post again. If you post X comments apart over a day, you'll get to post a few minutes later. Obviously X and Y will change as needed.
Heh. I was expecting a Cartman-esque response. While you didn't quote him exactly, it's the thought that counts.
Btw, that "emoticon" looks vaguely familiar. What is that?
No. Sound is vibration, transmitted to our senses through the mechanism of the ear, and recognized as sound only at our nerve centers. The falling of the tree or any other disturbance will produce vibration of the air. If there be no ears to hear, there will be no sound.
(according to the 1910 book Physics by Charles Riborg Mann and George Ransom Twiss and answered by Scientific American magazine on April 5, 1884, on page 218.)
A sound exists because the ear reacts to the waves that it created. The waves "shake" the eardrums which creates a sound. If there were no ear, the waves would just move around but wouldn't "hit" anything resulting in an absence of sound.
Also, what if someone lost their phone in the forest and it was in video mode? Maybe it would be found by future archeologists or aliens. Was there a sound?
You have a point. But I think this is a dead end !! Cuase there wasn't any sound, but there's proof of sound and it's not false proof but there still wasn't any sound !!
I haven't been on here very long , but this website has replaced all other sources for little laughs. It has gotten to the point where I am visiting FunSubstance more frequently than Facebook :3 I hope you guys take off even more than you have , because you have done an awesome job. :)
According to FunSubstance: "We're testing a new feature based on feedback where users can discover and buy cool products while on FunSubstance. For now only we can create such posts."
Uhm, sometimes when you're trying to post something, it just doesn't allow it to post. It doesn't say anything about it, it just refreshes the page and that's it. Why?
Still waiting patiently on Periodsubstance.
Btw, can we also have EightteenPlusSubstance? I lost my fleshlight fan post, which was a surprise, because I know I've seen dildos on here before. Anyway, it'd be nice to have for us old FS farts.
I've been getting many of my posts deleted lately, but the last one was deleted for "not inspiration". It was my understanding that posts mis-categorized would be placed under the proper category, but apparently that's not the case. (Nevermind that there's a reason I place certain posts under the "inspiration" category)
I guess my question is... why am I being held to a different standard? I've seen incorrect category and watermarked posts get by just fine, not to mention un-fun posts abound. Is it just because there are mgoveia-haters out there marking everything they can? Because it's getting to the point where I'm about to give up on posting on FS and just peruse tumblr and twitter directly, since that's about half of the FS posts these days. But I guess since there's no watermark...
MBG and I came up with a question/suggestion today after she showed me something on her baby boards.
They have a comment rating system similar to what we have here, but it shows you who liked and disliked the comment. While it wouldn't work with the posts due to the thousands of likes they get, I think it'd work great with the comments, and help cut down on the petty hate spam. Of course, it'd be great if guests couldn't rate comments, too, and it would encourage more people to make accounts so that they could fully participate in the community.
Another good side-effect of showing who liked and disliked would be that people would be less likely to dislike comments without providing a comment in discussion, themselves, even if it's just so they don't damage their reputation, and might even encourage people to skip downthumbing completely and participate more fully.
I have no clue about the programming side, I admit, but MBG's boards show tiny thumbnails of user profiles for this,
(cont'd) but even a pair of expanding windows showing users in text form would work, since most users here still don't have profile pictures.
Random thought time. Speaking of profiles, a slightly more informative setup would be great. It doesn't have to be a social media info overload, by any means, but things like location, fandoms (not my thing, but it would be popular here), maybe individual selfie sections? You could even dissolve the selfie category and migrate them all to the individual user profiles. I know, not likely, but a man can dream. Also, it'd be nice if we could add funsubstance friends to our profile, so we could easily find them and peruse their posts. That'd be a great help if we're short on time, and want to skip straight to the funny people's posts. Because, let's face it, some people just spam the same twitter, tumblr, and pony posts 10 times a day. ;)
Oh, duh, almost forgot. Can I have moar daley poasts, plz? Most days I'm usually too busy to spend much time on
the site due to work, family, and PS3/WiiU obligations, and when I do, I always hit the 80 comment limit super fast. Another upgrade would be fantastic.
I was just thinking about that type of downvote/upvote system the other day. It does sound a lot better, I have to completely agree with you on that. And I honestly don't think we need a limit on posts/comments, Why is that there, anyway? :U
It's to keep people from spamming the site, I assume. Although the more popular the site gets, the more post traffic we get as a result. A higher comment limit would be a great help for keeping up with them all.
Ponies? XD Alright then.
(You're not a brony are you? *pokes suspiciously*)
((Not that there's anything wrong with bronies))
(((This comment is a mess .-.)))
Oh! Looks like FS did the "I liked" thingy I suggested. Nice.
Whoops, I spoke too soon. Looks like it only tracks your own likes, and you can't see the likes of others in their profile. Maybe someday...
Oh boo. I wish they would just do a minor thing like that like/dislike idea. They can hold off major things like friends sections and new substances for however long... As long as it's not forever...
The friend thing wouldn't be a section. It'd be just a little list within your own profile, so that you could easily see what they're up to.
As usual, mine would be pretty small. Quality over quantity and all that.
It means how did I get my "What's YOUR unique skill" post deleted for being NSFW? There was no nudity or anything bad about it, as far as I know. There was even a good amount of users commenting in it.
FS, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like this, but unless a post is really bad, can we please have it moved to the proper category instead of deleted outright? It'd REALLY be appreciated.
Can you please reverse the decision where you made old comments and comment strings with more than a few comments in them "hidden"? It's terribly annoying and doesn't seem to serve any real purpose. While we're on the subject of things that don't serve a purpose, how's about not hiding comments with -6 thumbs or more? It's not like people aren't clicking on them out of morbid curiosity, anyway.
Also, why don't you guys reply in this post anymore? If I'm not mistaken, it seems like you are listening to some of our suggestions. So why the silent treatment?
Thanks for the years of sleepless and procrastinating nights! This site helps me a lot when I'm feeling blue and the people are just snazzy. You guys are awesome, so once again, thanks for the FunSubstance abuse!
Go to submit, then hit the little picture icon that is right next to the URL input, then it'll ask for permission to access your photo gallery, then simply pick something and create a rural and hit upload
Hello FS, it's MGoveia again. I've spent the last few days away from FS to take care of our new baby. I noticed I have 194 notifications, but after 100 or so, the list just ends halfway down the page. Is this a known issue, and is there something I can do to access the remaining notifications, or are they supposed to fall off after a certain amount of time?
If it be your will, Funsubstance Gods, may we humble fillies be blessed with a Ponysubstance?
(It seems to attract such hate, especially lately, and it'd surely stick in the craw of the type of FSers that likes to make personal attacks on the wives of community members.)
Do the three founders of funsubstance (FunSubstance, Chronos, Zeus) know each other IRL or did they meet online and come up with this idea?
Can we pardon mgoveia?
I love FS :)
I'm a guest (probably gonna make an account soon though..) but is it alright if I leave a "digital signature",so long as I promise not to harrass,nor belittle him?
If you've been around long enough to have to make the second part of that statement you should already be aware of the fact that he has intelligent thoughts but he phrases them in ways that are harassing and belittling. He can take some teasing but he doesn't seem very tolerant of stupidity (which is hard to differentiate on the Internet).
You can only delete if it is not on the trending or popular page. To delete a post click on the post title and just under the picture/gif/words if a text post there is a delete button.
I just had a handful of posts deleted at once. One because I set it NSFW because it had the F word in it. One for watermark (which are common on FS). The rest were "not fun related". I guess because a small, vile group of FSers who think all MLP fans are pedophiles (speaking of not fun related...) don't think it's fun, that means the rest of us can't enjoy an MLP-related joke or meme?
My question is, what gives?
Are we supposed to be putting pony posts in the "visual" section or something?
Maybe it would be fun if those were posted once a month, not 10 times a day by you. As long as you post those more than once a day (including in the comments) I will continue to complain -about everyone of them.
I kinda agree with the guest here. Don't make all of your posts about mlp, then it's just filling FS With things that most people don't wanna see (I honestly don't mind them...). Maybe post other stuff? And if you need to post something mlp related, maybe once a week or a day?
It is fun related, people just downvote it because they like to downvote it, yes it gets a little excessive but we need breaks from the constant tumblr/twitter/where reposts
Also, it's a guest getting your shit deleted Mgoveia, some FSers don't mind having you around and some just plain ignore you. I ignore you and acknowledge your PeriodSubstance jokes and shed some humour in dark places.
Hey I just joined after being a guest for a week or so. I got a message that something was deleted as a repost, is there a way to know if what I post has been posted before?
Now that the US has made cyberbullying a federal offence, I can probably email my local police station and they can do whatever secret police stuff they do.
theres a little box somewhere on the right side if you're on the desktop-view. It's called the feedback submission or something. Give your current name, what you want to change to, and why. And a joke or something. Because why not.
If you have a problem with someone else's post, report it. And don't complain anymore.
If it's your own post, there should be be a red "delete post" button on the bottom right of your post, above the "post comment" bar.
Let's bump this post up into people's notifications. How many of us from even a year ago are still here? How many new people can we get to see this post?
Its name is Larry. Larry the Box. As a matter of fact, he was named in this very thread. Open up all the "show earlier comments" and ctrl+f "larry" and you'll see the comment section where Larry was named.
i do it from my phone. Click the down arrow from the More thing at the top right corner of the screen, and select Submit. Hope that helps, I've never been on FunSubstance on my pc so I can't help you there.
It depends on how quickly the post gets likes. Otherwise, people who go through the random posts would like stuff and that would come up onto the popular page, thus creating repost overload. If you get a ton of likes at once, you get onto trending or popular.
How are your personal lives?
Why don't you use the site for your own enjoyment and interact with the community and such?
Is it to keep from picking favorites?
If possible, Do you reckon you could add a private chat feature and a way to follow/friend people to find their posts easier or view posts specifically from people you follow first?
Videos on your site for the past few weeks play back with dots all over the images, as if a comic book was magnified and animated, also all in slow motion. Same on my IPad and home computer. Anything you can suggest I do to correct this?
Thank you good sir or madam. You have marked the error in my ways. Again I thank you for pointing out my mistake and correcting my spelling of potato. You have encouraged me to write most eloquently in the future.
I'm sticking with guest. It's not funny anymore, now the whole "hating on Bieber" thing---the gay jokes, the girl jokes, the death jokes---they aren't funny, only cruel and unnecessary.
· 11 years ago
Yea. We should stop. We made him who he is now. It all started with the gay jokes.
Can we please, pretty please, have a most-downthumbed or top 3 downthumbed category for the weekly count? Do we still have that? I haven't seen on in months.
*places cherry on top*
I hate you assholes...but in a good way. You know, the way that's not superficial and solely based the shared like and dislike of insignificant things.
Ok who is your favourite user?
How many of you guys are there? Also, what gave you the idea to start this website?
*gets thrown off bridge*
It's Monty Python.
Who drew the mascot (box) and is there a meaning behind it
- @zeus designed the FunSubstance mascot.
- The site was launched on 23rd March 2012.
Did you say cat?
PS thanks for a great web experience =)
I expected it to happen, I just didn't know how they'd do it. It was pretty much the only way his family would realize Brody wasn't a terrorist. It was also mentioned that he didn't want to go on many times. He'd either end up living a life on the run, under constant threat of assassination, a life behind bars, or worse. Plus, finding out it's HIS child that Carrie is carrying was a big flag for me.
Will you ever provide rehab for people who want to let you go? I WISH I COULD QUIT YOU!!
Edit: Comment limit too, just ran out of comments. :D
FunSubstance CEO's I summo... you know the drill.
Btw, that "emoticon" looks vaguely familiar. What is that?
(according to the 1910 book Physics by Charles Riborg Mann and George Ransom Twiss and answered by Scientific American magazine on April 5, 1884, on page 218.)
A sound exists because the ear reacts to the waves that it created. The waves "shake" the eardrums which creates a sound. If there were no ear, the waves would just move around but wouldn't "hit" anything resulting in an absence of sound.
Your physics are invalid.
Edit: Not wasting any more comments debating this.
It also happens to be my little brothers birthday
Btw, can we also have EightteenPlusSubstance? I lost my fleshlight fan post, which was a surprise, because I know I've seen dildos on here before. Anyway, it'd be nice to have for us old FS farts.
I guess my question is... why am I being held to a different standard? I've seen incorrect category and watermarked posts get by just fine, not to mention un-fun posts abound. Is it just because there are mgoveia-haters out there marking everything they can? Because it's getting to the point where I'm about to give up on posting on FS and just peruse tumblr and twitter directly, since that's about half of the FS posts these days. But I guess since there's no watermark...
They have a comment rating system similar to what we have here, but it shows you who liked and disliked the comment. While it wouldn't work with the posts due to the thousands of likes they get, I think it'd work great with the comments, and help cut down on the petty hate spam. Of course, it'd be great if guests couldn't rate comments, too, and it would encourage more people to make accounts so that they could fully participate in the community.
Another good side-effect of showing who liked and disliked would be that people would be less likely to dislike comments without providing a comment in discussion, themselves, even if it's just so they don't damage their reputation, and might even encourage people to skip downthumbing completely and participate more fully.
I have no clue about the programming side, I admit, but MBG's boards show tiny thumbnails of user profiles for this,
Random thought time. Speaking of profiles, a slightly more informative setup would be great. It doesn't have to be a social media info overload, by any means, but things like location, fandoms (not my thing, but it would be popular here), maybe individual selfie sections? You could even dissolve the selfie category and migrate them all to the individual user profiles. I know, not likely, but a man can dream. Also, it'd be nice if we could add funsubstance friends to our profile, so we could easily find them and peruse their posts. That'd be a great help if we're short on time, and want to skip straight to the funny people's posts. Because, let's face it, some people just spam the same twitter, tumblr, and pony posts 10 times a day. ;)
Oh, duh, almost forgot. Can I have moar daley poasts, plz? Most days I'm usually too busy to spend much time on
FS needs moar ponies.
(You're not a brony are you? *pokes suspiciously*)
((Not that there's anything wrong with bronies))
(((This comment is a mess .-.)))
Whoops, I spoke too soon. Looks like it only tracks your own likes, and you can't see the likes of others in their profile. Maybe someday...
As usual, mine would be pretty small. Quality over quantity and all that.
FS, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like this, but unless a post is really bad, can we please have it moved to the proper category instead of deleted outright? It'd REALLY be appreciated.
Also, why don't you guys reply in this post anymore? If I'm not mistaken, it seems like you are listening to some of our suggestions. So why the silent treatment?
I guess time passes much faster in the outernet!
(It seems to attract such hate, especially lately, and it'd surely stick in the craw of the type of FSers that likes to make personal attacks on the wives of community members.)
Can we pardon mgoveia?
I love FS :)
Don't you mean "Funsubsters"?
Click the funsubsters tab
My question is, what gives?
Are we supposed to be putting pony posts in the "visual" section or something?
If it's your own post, there should be be a red "delete post" button on the bottom right of your post, above the "post comment" bar.
Why don't you use the site for your own enjoyment and interact with the community and such?
Is it to keep from picking favorites?
If you could make an app, would you?
*places cherry on top*