Grab my brain and just shake it until I don't have to think about all of the things that are just costumes for the task of finding out what the fuck is going on in the background while we watch them die on the inside where it counts
You know what? I think I regret playing this time round
Grab my mail from my ashes lol lol I’ll see if you can lol lol hold onto my ashes in the morning lol lol
Well looks like I’m double downing on the lols lmfao and that went a gray shade of dark lol
Grab my stuff and then I can deal with it I guess.
Uh, is that just me or does that line sound like something said by a hitman or a gangster? Like, you grab my stuff and I'll go yeet that body into a river or something.
I’m sorry I called you a dumbass mr mouse as I watched you die in the mouse trap because cheese is delicious.
@mia_linay I know @demryn is somewhere close with his axe
...please don't
You know what? I think I regret playing this time round
I sound like a pothead.
Well looks like I’m double downing on the lols lmfao and that went a gray shade of dark lol
@adam44 @anjelsweet @astr0nomy @Bethorien @cakelover @captainjackharknes @catfluff @creativedragonbaby @demon_razgriz @demryn @dovesoot @dr_richard_ew @drcuis @ewqua @famousone @grimreaper
@interesting @jasonmon @jmmcclain @kaiserwilhelm @karlboll @klymaxx @letthemhavememes @Lydia @maishamir @memesgobrrr @mialinay @mia_linay @Mr_pigeonwizard @MrFahrenheit @mrscollector @myfuckinggod @Nelson @nobodyimportant @picklefacejones @purplepumpkin @savage_demmigod
@silverspud @soullesspegasus @spookykink58 @stormlink15 @thatguyyouknow @timebender25 @willfree @xlaxxine @xvarnah @zont
Apparently my phone is for sale and I'm just finding out about this.
Lmao...uhmm, yeah.
Uh, is that just me or does that line sound like something said by a hitman or a gangster? Like, you grab my stuff and I'll go yeet that body into a river or something.
Dont mind if I do!
*holds your hand*
Smells like illegal hand holding in here
@mia_linay I know @demryn is somewhere close with his axe